Choosing To Stay

Being diagnosed with cancer is frightening and learning that the cancer is late stage takes that fear to the unknown depth of the abyss. After a year of brutal treatment Mo Haque painstakingly heard the words ‘there is nothing else we can do for you’. His cancer was ultimately terminal leaving him questioning the price put on life. 3 years on from the ‘small chance’ he was given, Mo shares his incredible story; of despair and suffering, of hope and healing, of vulnerability and authenticity.

This book is for anyone going through the most challenging of times imaginable.

When you read Choosing To Stay you will:

Appreciate the gift of Choice in any moment however dire life feels

Recognise you aren’t alone in your pain, and that your suffering has Meaning

See that your life is a masterpiece when you Connect The Dots

Feel the power of Hope, and Love that exists all over the world

Ultimately you will know that you are Enough and that you are Worthy.

If you want to live an empowered new life, liberated and full of meaning this book promises to take you there.

Author Bio

Mo Haque is a cancer survivor, patient advocate and speaker. Before cancer he was immersed in personal development for over a decade empowering students become leaders and change agents. After cancer his focus shifted to healing his own life and with the love and support of thousands of people he is grateful to be alive. He now dedicates his life to the service of empowering patients, to liberate lives.